The following sentences were written by students below this lesson, and describe an enjoyable day in the countryside. But can you find and correct the mistake(s) in each one?
- If I have chance to go there, I love to visit there again soon.
- I took too many beautiful pictures on my camera.
- It's about 80 km far from the city.
- I am going to talk about one day that I have spent in the countryside on May.
- It was a countryside near to my city, where some relatives were living there.
Posted by: Asker | September 29, 2017 at 11:47
1. If I have a chance to go there, I will visit that place again soon.
2. I took a lot of beautiful pictures with my camera.
3. It's about 80 km far away from the city.
4. I am going to talk about the day which I have spent in the countryside in May.
5. It was the countryside near to my city, where some relatives were living there.
Posted by: Asker | September 29, 2017 at 12:16
1. If I have a chance to go there, I will visit that place once again.
2. I took lots of/ plenty of beautiful pictures with my camera.
3. It's about 80 km far away from the city.
4. I am going to talk about one day of May which I have been spending in the countryside.
5. It was the countryside nearby my city, where some relatives were living there.
Posted by: jj | September 29, 2017 at 12:46
1. If I have a chance to go the countryside where I love, I want visit that place again soon.
2. I took plenty of beautiful pictures with my camera.
3. It's about 80 km far away from the city.
4. I am going to talk about once day in May which I spent a long day time in the countryside.
5. It is the countryside nearby the city I live, where some my relatives are living there.
Posted by: Kien | September 29, 2017 at 15:56
1. If a have a chance to go there, I will visit that place again.
2.I took too many beautiful pictures from my camera
3. It is about 80km away from the city
4. I am going to talk about a day that I spent in the countryside in May.
5. It was a countryside which was located nearby my place where some of my relatives has lived there.
Posted by: dona | September 29, 2017 at 15:56
As for the mistakes made above, some possible corrections should be needed.
1. Correction: If I had the chance to go there, I would love to visit there again soon.
However, I think we should talk like this: If I had the chance to hit the road/ take a trip, I would love to visit there again.
2. Mistake: too => correct: so/ on camera=> with my camera.
I would talk: I took so many beautiful pictures with my digital camera.
3. Mistake: far from=> correct: far away from
I still need the explanation from teacher Simon to see why "far from" is incorrect.
4. Mistakes: have spent, on May => correct: spent, in May.
5. Mistakes: near to => correct: near.
Looking forward to seeing the best answers from teacher Simon.
Posted by: Phong | September 29, 2017 at 16:33
Below you may find my option for above-mentioned sentences:
1. I if was lucky enough to go around shortly, I adore visiting there anew.
2. I took so many beautiful pictures with my digital camera.
3. It's about 80 km far away from the city.
4. I am going to talk about a day, that I spent in the countryside in May.
5. It was a countryside(rural area) nearby my city, where some of my relatives were inhabiting there.
Posted by: Umid | September 29, 2017 at 18:39
1. If I was lucky enough to go around shortly, I adore visiting there anew.
Posted by: Umid | September 29, 2017 at 18:39
1. If I have a chance to go there, I love to visit there soon.
2. I took many beautiful pictures on my camera.
3. It's about 80km away from the city.
4. I am going to talk about one day that I had spent in the countryside in May.
5. It was a countryside near my city, where some of my relatives were living.
Posted by: Abdullah | September 29, 2017 at 18:46
1. If I had a chance to go there, I would love to visit there again soon.
2. I took too many beautiful pictures .
3. It's about 80 km away from the city.
4. The day I will talk about is one that I spent in a countryside on May.
5. It was a countryside near my city, a place where some relatives were living there.
Posted by: echo | September 30, 2017 at 04:17
5. It was the countryside near my city, where some relatives of mine were living.
Posted by: asker | September 30, 2017 at 08:28
1. If I have a chance to go there, I will visit that place again soon.
2. I took a lot of beautiful pictures with my camera.
3. It's about 80 kms far away from the city.
4. I am going to talk about the day which I have spent in the countryside in May.
5. It was the countryside nearby my city, where some relatives of mine were living.
Posted by: asker | September 30, 2017 at 08:33
1-If I had a chance to go there, I would like to visit there before I am done-;)
2-I took a lot of beautiful photos with my camera. (I think "too" is used for negative sentences)
3-It is about 80 km away from the city
4-I am going to talk about the day when I spent in the countryside in May.
5-It was the countryside very close to the city where my relatives were living.
Posted by: DARYOUSH | September 30, 2017 at 11:27
If I had a chance to go there, I will love to visit there again soon.
I took too many beautiful pictures.
It's about 80 km far away from the city.
I am going to talk about the day that I spent in the countryside in May.
It was near to my city, where some of my relatives live there.
Posted by: Jamie | September 30, 2017 at 12:45
If I have chance to go there, I will love to visit there again soon.
I took too many beautiful pictures in my camera.
It's about 80 km away from the city.
I am going to talk about one day that I have spent in the countryside in May.
It was a countryside near to my city, where some relatives were living.
Posted by: Jianding | October 01, 2017 at 03:45
Hi everyone.
If I were you, I would like to say like the sentences below.
1, If I have a chance to go there, I would love to visit there again in the near future.
2, I took so many beautiful pictures with my camera.
3, It's about 80 km far away from the city.
4, I am going to talk about the day that I spent in the countryside in May.
5, It was a countryside close to my city where some of my relatives live.
Posted by: Tae | October 01, 2017 at 11:21
1. If I have a chance to go there, I will definitely visit this beautiful place one more time.
2.I took so many pictures in my camera.
3. It's around 80 km away from the city.
4. I'm going to talk about the day that I spent in the countryside in May
5. It was a very city-closeby countryside where my relatives live.
Posted by: Huyen | October 02, 2017 at 01:08
1.If I have a chance to go there, I would love to visit there again soon.
2. I took many beautiful pictures on my camera.
3.It’s about 80 km from the city.
4.I am going to talk about the day that I have spent in the countryside in May.
5.It was a countryside near my city, where some relatives live.
Posted by: Sylvia | October 03, 2017 at 09:26
1. Several problems:
- we need to write "THE chance"
- no need to repeat the word "there"
- we really need a second conditional: If I HAD..., I WOULD love...
Here's what I would write:
If I had the chance, I would love to go there again.
Or, using the first conditional:
If I have the chance, I'll definitely visit (name) again soon.
2. "too many" is a negative expression.
Just use 'many' or 'lots of'.
I took lots of beautiful pictures on my camera.
3. Delete the word "far":
It's about 80 km from the city.
4. Problems:
- use "a" instead of the number "one"
- May was in the past, so use "spent" instead of "have spent"
- "in May", not "on May"
So the correct sentence is:
I am going to talk about a day that I spent in the countryside in May.
5. Problems:
- "Countryside" is uncountable, so you can't say "a" countryside.
- after writing "where", don't add "there" on the end of the sentence.
Here's the correct version:
It was in the countryside near to my city, where some relatives were living.
Posted by: Simon | October 03, 2017 at 13:32
My name is ajay exam is on 5 oct. Is there anybody to whom i practise my ielts speaking...
Posted by: Ajay singh rathore | October 03, 2017 at 15:36
1.If I have chance to go there, I will visit it again.
2.I took many beautiful pictures with my camera.
3.It's about 80 km from the city.
4.I am going to talk about the day that I have spent in the countryside in May.
5. There was a countryside near my city, where some relatives were living there.
Posted by: hojab | October 09, 2017 at 04:11
Thank you,Simon
Posted by: Farhad Hossain | October 17, 2017 at 10:06
Simon, you are genius! thanks a lot for this site. the best source for IELTS preparation on the Internet. The method!!!!
Posted by: Tatiana | November 20, 2017 at 10:54
Thanks Tatiana. I'm glad you like my methods!
Posted by: Simon | November 21, 2017 at 13:16