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September 02, 2017


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Good summary. Thank you

Dear Simon! I have just received my results! I would never have been able to do this without your lectures and book! thank you thank you thank you!!
Listening: 8.0
Reading: 7.5
Writing: 7.0
Speaking: 8.0
Overall: 7.5

Congratulations LM
Could you write a summary of your preparation for the IELTS Exam?
1. Was it your first attempt? If no, what were your scores in the previous exams?
2. How did you prepare yourself for the writing section?
3. How long have you been studying English in general and for the exam specifically?

I would appreciate it if you answer the above questions.

Dearsimon please writing topic are sent me in 16september21017

Here are the charts showing Simon's phrases: clicking on an underlined blue phrase at the bottom of the chart will bring up examples of usage:




Dear Simon
I have an question about vocabulary in IELTS reading test.
Is it useful to read and memorise all the vocabulary in the past IELTS Reading test! As you know for instance all vocabulary used in IELTS combridge 7 to 12 !!

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