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October 15, 2017


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my brother and i will dress alike on new year night.
is it correct sir?

I went to a party today and talked about my new vocabulary 'alike'. It is good habit to present my new word to friends or colleagues. However, many of my Australian friends, about 20 Australians have never used ' alike ' in conversation and especially the sentences you gave us in last blog lesson. I realised that IELTS candidates must know more vocabularies than the general conversation level with native speakers.

Dear Simon,
I really need your help regarding ideas for this task https://vi.scribd.com/document/345282547/Collins-Ielts-Cutted
Thanks a lot, Sir

Dear Simon,
I found it's a good way to understand grammar by using sentences as example,it's easy to understand,I will continue to follow your blog which gives me a lot of help,many thanks for you.

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