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October 26, 2017


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The bar chart gives information about recycling rate of waste and amount of waste that buried in land, incinerated, or disposed of in other ways in different EU countries.

The bar chart compares fifteen European countries in terms of percentages of recycling and different other forms of waste disposal.

Please check and tell me my mistake.


The bar chart portraits the three different environmental unfriendly techniques for recycling the waste management in various countries of Europe.

Dear Simon,

Here's my introduction

The bar chart shows the percentage of waste that is recycled, and put into landfill, incinerated, or disposed of in other ways in various EU countries.

The bar chart depicts data about the percentage of recycled waste that is put into a landfill, an incinerator, or have been disposed of in other ways which are done in various EU countries.

The bar chart shows the percentage waste that is recycled.Meanwhile, put into landfill, incinerated, or disposed of in other ways in various EU countries

The bar chart shows the percentage of waste that is recycled, as well as waste put into landfill, incinerated, or disposed of in other ways, in various EU countries.


I just want to say thank you so much Simon for all your works. I've got my result today (Overall 7.0, L: 7.0, R: 6.5, W: 7.5, S: 7.0). I think your idea book is very valuable. I use it both in Writing and Speaking. And I always keep in mind your saying "Just do something every day and you will reach your goal in the end".

Hi Simon, if I did well in writing task 2, but not so good in task 1(no grammar mistakes, could be 20-30 words less and may be making some mistakes when describing the data), now my score is 6, last time I didnt prepare writing at all and not felt good about it I still had 6, but this time im so sure the task 2 was good, do you think I could have gotten a 7 and thus get a review?

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of waste that is recycled, and those of techniques by which it is put into landfill, incinerated, or disposed in other ways in various EU countries.


See the comments on this page by Simon and sjm:


The bar chart shows the percentage of waste that is recycled ,put into landfill ,incinerated or disposed of in other way respectively in various EU countries.

The bar chart indicates the percentage of waste being burned,buried underground, decayed by organic as well as receycled in various European countries.

The bar chart illustrates different types of waste management techniques practicing in fifteen different European countries. Units are measured in percentage.

Overall,landfill is the most popular form of waste management in Greece,Spain,Ireland,Uk,Italy,Portugal and France. Spain and Germany are using other types of waste disposal apart from landfill,recycled/composed and incineration.

It is noticeable that, in Greece and Ireland only two types of waste management,landfill and recycling/composting,are practicing;from that landfill is the most popular waste disposal technique use by both European countries, 90% and 86% respectively. However, the use of landfill method is the least popular waste disposal type in Sweden,Netherland and Denmark.

Surprisingly, more than half of the waste is burned in Denmark and Luxembourg,with 57% and 55% respectively,while Belgium,Austria,Germany and Netherland are reprocessed their waste.

The bar chart shows the percentages of waste recycling and disposal in 15 European countries.




Note the verb; British spelling is:
"practise (British, Irish, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, South African, verb)".


Belgium ... Netherlands are reprocessing their waste.

the chart shows the percentage of waste that is, recycled, burnt, buried, and used for fertilizing purposes in various EU countries

The chart shows the proportion of waste that is recycled, and put into landfill,incinerated, or disposed of in other ways in different EU countries

The bar chart shows the methods and percentage of waste management among 15 European countries.

The bar chart illustrates the waste management measures of 15 European countries.

The different techniques and percentage of waste management in 15 European countries.

The given bar chart indicates the percentage of waste recycled or composted including those landfilled, incinerated, and disposed in other ways over various European countries.

It is clear that the ratio of the waste disposed by landfilling method is higher than those by the rest in more than the half of European countries presented in this chart; and only are Spain, Austria, Germany, and Sweden using other means of disposal apart from landfill, recycling, and incineration. In general, all of the countries adopt both landfill and recycling as the form of their treatment of waste.

When it comes to less eco-friendly methods, almost nine-tenths of garbage is disposed in Greece by landfilling, which is the highest among the rest of the other 14 countries while incineration is not considered at all as the form of waste disposal. In contrast landfill is the least preferred measure to manage waste in Denmark where incineration is the most popular form to deal with rubbish disposal taking up about 60 percent of waste management.

In terms of the form of being recycled or composted, Austria illustrates the highest rate of using this method among all the European countries followed by Belgium, Netherland and Germany where the ratio of recycling or composting exceeds those of landfill in 2004. Meanwhile, the lowest rate of this method, only a tenth, is shown in Greece where the highest landfill rate is demonstrated without those of incineration at the top of the bar chart above.



Some alternative suggestions:

"It is clear that the ratio of the waste disposed by landfilling method is higher than those by the rest in more than the half of European countries"
-> It is clear that landfilling is the main method of disposal in more than the half the European countries....

...and only are Spain, Austria, Germany, and Sweden are using...

"... countries have adopted both landfill and recycling as the form of their treatment of waste waste treatment options/techniques/processes/mechanisms."

"the most popular form to deal way of dealing with rubbish OR ..way of handling rubbish.

In terms of the form of being recycled or composted recycling or composting, ...

... Netherland and Germany where the ratio of recycling or composting exceeds those of landfill in 2004.

exceeds -> exceeded .. in 2004 ?

"Meanwhile, the lowest rate of this method, only a tenth, is shown in Greece where the highest landfill rate is demonstrated without those of incineration at the top of the bar chart above."

Simpler to use "Greece has...."

In contrast, Greece has the lowest percentage of recycling or composting, the highest landfill rate, and no incineration at all.


more than half the European countries....


Thanks for the correction!

The bar chart shows the percentage waste that is recycled.Meanwhile, put into landfill, incinerated, or disposed of in other ways in various EU countries

What do you think of my beginning, Simon? I look forward to your professional comments.

Give is a bar chart indicating the proportion of waste which is recycled, landfilled, incinerated or managed in other forms in various EU countries.

where is MR.Simon introduction?

The chart compares the percentage of waste that is recycled along with environmentally harmful disposable methods i.e landfill,incineration or otherways, in various EU countries.
plz correct my mistakes.

the chart below displays the 3 main type of waste management used by 15 european countries.

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