Following on from yesterday's task 2 topic, let's look at a task 1 bar chart about recycling and waste management.
The chart below compares levels of recycling, as well as some less environmentally friendly forms of waste management, in fifteen European countries.
Landfill: burying waste in the ground
Incineration: disposal of waste by burning
Composting: using decayed organic waste as fertiliser
Could you write a report for this question in the next lesson?
Posted by: Laziz | October 19, 2017 at 14:21
Mr.Corcoran, can you tell us how to divide such charts into two paragraphs?
Posted by: Laziz | October 19, 2017 at 14:42
The chart gives information about different methods of waste disposal adopted by fifteen European countries.The methods of waste management compared are landfilling, recycling, incineration and various other ways.
I am a beginner.i could write only the introduction.
Posted by: Nimmy Francis | October 19, 2017 at 15:29
The chart illustrates product recycling and different approaches to the waste management among 15 countries of Europe.
Overall, it is noticeable that Austria carried out the largest amount of recycling and composting activity. Another interesting point is that, Spain, Austria, Germany and Sweden used all shown ways for the waste management.
Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that Germany was a leader in the recycling and composting (65%). By contrast, just around of 10% of total waste was recycled and composted by Greece, UK and Portugal which showed the lowest indicator of eco-friendly way of waste management. Other 11 countries had proportions less than 50 per cent.
Regarding to harmful approaches, Greece showed incredible 90% of waste management carrying out a landfill compared to just under 10% of Denmark`s indicator. The most incineration works were done by Denmark and Luxembourg, 58% and 55% respectively. However, other ways were noticeably used only by Germany and Spain with 12% and 7% accordingly.
P.S. Mr.Corcoran, i have never written such charts with so much information, so i didnt realised how to divide it, hope this way is appropriate.
Posted by: Laziz | October 19, 2017 at 16:07
toharmful approaches""...Germany and Spain with 12% and 7%
accordinglyrespectively."Posted by: Kanji | October 20, 2017 at 07:02
or "in that order".
Posted by: Kanji | October 20, 2017 at 07:03
The chart demonstrates the comparison between the percentage of recycling and some less environmentally friendly processes of garbage management like landfill,composting,incineration and other in fifteen countries.
Overall, it can be seen that Greece and Ireland used landfill form as a waste management mostly at the percentage about 90% and 85% respectively and these countries did not apply for incineration form whereas Netherlands and Denmark buried waste in the ground only at the percentage about 15% and %10 respectively.
In terms of composting form of waste management, Austria,Netherlands,Belgium,Germany and Sweden accounted for major proportion of whole at the percentage about %70, %60 , 50%, 45%,40% respectively compared to Finland,Spain,France,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Portugal and UK.( about 30% , 20%, 20%, 15% , 15% , 15%,12%,,10%, 10%, respectively.)
Regarding the chart, it is noticeable that Luxembourg and Denmark used the disposal burning form at the same rate as about 60% whereas Finland,UK,Italy,Austria and Spain did not use this form in a considerable amount (15%,10%,10%,10% and %5 respectively) In addition, Sweden and Netherlands have a considerable level of usage of incineration process with the same percentage about 40% and Germany showed less interest in that with the percentage about 20%.
Looking other forms of waste management given in the chart, only Spain,Germany,Sweden and Austria can be seen with the percentage about 12%,8%,3% and 2% respectively.
I know it is too complicated but i could not figure out how to seperate all these informations. Please help me..
Posted by: Kübra | October 20, 2017 at 13:03
Why did u correct that? Everything is fine:)
Accordingly = respectively
Regarding to = turning to a particular part
Posted by: Laziz | October 20, 2017 at 15:18
The chart illustrates the proportion of recycling as well as proportions of more environmentally harmful ways of waste management in 15 European countries .
It is clear that recycling and landfill waste management forms are preferred by all countries. Further, it is noticeable that Spain, Austria , Germany and Sweden use all types of methods to manage their disposals.
Looking at the chart in more detail, we can see that Austria is the most environmentally friendly country in terms of managing their waste since around 65% of Austrian recycle their refuse. By contrast, slightly less than %10 of people living in Greece prefer to recycle their waste which makes Greece the least environmentally friendly country among the given 15 countries. Moreover, landfill ,which is the other waste management method used in all these 15 European countries, is mostly favored by inhabitants in Greece with the percentage of approximately 90% while less than 10 % people in Denmark favor landfill over the other types of waste management ways.
On the other hand, incineration seems as another popular way of waste management for countries specified in the chart except Greece and Ireland. In excess of a half of residents in Denmark and Luxembourg opt for to burn their disposal. Lastly, it is also noteworthy that other remaining waste management ways are applied by only 4 countries (Spain , Germany, Austria and Sweden) with percentages changing between 1% and 15 % .
It was really hard to figure out how to separate body paragraphs, i don not know if i could manage :(((
Posted by: berrak | October 20, 2017 at 16:12
Please think as i added composting for everytime i used recycling :D
Posted by: berrak | October 20, 2017 at 16:17
If you click on the underlined blue "percent accordingly" at the bottom, you will see that these are false positives - ngrams does not handle the end of sentences properly. "In that order" is occasionally used instead of "respectively".
Posted by: Kanji | October 20, 2017 at 16:46
"It is clear that recycling and landfill waste management forms are preferred by all countries." Looks to me like Greece, Ireland through to Finland "prefer" landfill. But does the chart really show preference? Same with "favored".
"65% of Austrians"
"with percentages
changingranging between 1% and 15 % ."Posted by: Kanji | October 20, 2017 at 16:58
Thank you so much for your comment and correcting my mistakes:)) I really appreciate your effort :)
I wanted use different types of verbs but you are right that prefer and favor are not appropriate in this context. I'll check through my writing again.
Posted by: berrak | October 20, 2017 at 17:13
Perhaps you could check my writing (you could use the word):
6) “compostable” means that, in an appropriate composting program or facility, or in a home compost pile or device, all materials in the product and packaging must within 90 days:
a) break down into, or otherwise become part of, usable compost (such as soil-conditioning material or mulch), and
b) disintegrate into small pieces, so that original product is not visually distinguishable in the compost, and
c) leave no toxic residue or similar, and
d) meet the evidential standards of AS4736-2006 including the worm toxicity test.
Posted by: Kanji | October 20, 2017 at 21:16
Omg million thanks for your suggestions :))
Is it possible if u share your whole writing ?I would like to see the transitions that u made within your writing.Of course if it is possible:)
Posted by: berrak | October 21, 2017 at 12:05
Actually the definition of "compostable" above is written in the style used in legislation or a business contract. For an IELTS task 2 essay it would need some changes. Firstly, introduce the topic:
"Obviously/In this context/Before going further, a clear definition of compostable is needed."
Then state the general principle:
"Compostable means that all material break down like paper when in an appropriate ...."
Then introduce the detail (a)...(d):
"There are four major requirements to be met."
Then work through each point:
"Firstly, it must all break down ....
Secondly, it must all disintegrate...
Also, it must...
Finally, it must .. "
The trick here is to get the cohesion by repeating "it must", and making sure it is clear what "it" refers back to.
But listen to what Simon says.
Posted by: Kanji | October 21, 2017 at 19:42
That should have been "all materials break down"
Posted by: Kanji | October 21, 2017 at 19:44
@ Kanji
So good to get some informative suggestions:)
Thank you so much for your all help :)
Posted by: berrak | October 21, 2017 at 21:55
the bar illustrate levels of reprocessing,as well as some method to waste management in fifteen countries of european
It is clear that method off burying waste in the ground is the most commonly used by all countries.Another intesting point is that Spain, Austria,Germany and Sweden carried out all ways for the waste management.
Posted by: Bùi tuấn anh Việt Nam | October 22, 2017 at 18:18
Dear Simon,
Below please review my answer for this test, I've watched all your writing videos which help me a lot. Thank you for all the materials and daily test.
The bar chart compares the quantity of rubbish being disposed in four different ways in fifteen European countries in 2004.
It is noticeable that landfill was the most common form to manage the waste, and incineration was less common in those countries except Luxembourg and Denmark.
Almost half of these counties tended to bury the waste in the ground, by which, Greece was the No.1 country used landfill as the main dispose of their waste which buried 90% of the rubbish, followed by Iceland, UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Finland. The second most frequent way of managing the waste was Recycled and composting, Austria was the one usually used decayed organic waste as fertilizer, which account for around 70% of their rubbish, followed by Belgium.
Very few countries prefer to use incineration to burn their waste, only Luxembourg and Denmark used it as their principal way to recycle 60% of their waste. Another surprising point is that only four of these European countries used all the ways shown for recycling, among them Germany carried out 10% as the largest amount of waste that was being disposed in other ways.
Posted by: Zoey | October 23, 2017 at 03:30
Hi guys, can you comment on this ?
The chart compares rate of recycling, as well as less environmentally friendly forms of waste management, in fifteen European countries.
Overall, it can be clearly seen that environmentally unfriendly forms of waste disposal are more common than recycling and composting in the whole Europe with the exception of a few countries like Belgium, Austria and Netherlands.
First of all, landfill has the highest percentage in Greece with %90, whereas the lowest percentage with just below %10 in Denmark. In contrast, the highest rate of incineration can be seen in Denmark while it’s never used in Greece and Ireland.
Recycling use in Greece has lowest rate with %10, whereas the highest percentage of recycling is in Austria at around %70 . On the other hand, other forms of waste management is used in just a few countries like Spain, Germany, Sweden and Austria.
Thank you
Posted by: Damla | October 23, 2017 at 19:29
"The chart compares the rate of recycling"
Simon says:
"Not separating paragraphs. Your score will immediately drop if you don't separate paragraphs clearly. My advice: leave a full line between paragraphs."
" in the whole of Europe "
"with %90" -> with 90% : 10% , 70%
"whereas the lowest percentage
withwas just below %10 in Denmark."" it’s" -> it is
" other forms of waste management
isare used "Posted by: Bunter | October 24, 2017 at 00:00
"...bury the waste in the ground
, by which,: Greece was the No.1 countryusedusing landfill as the maindispose of their wastedisposal method, buryingwhich buried90% of their rubbish, followed by Iceland...""...composting; Austria was ..." (was comma splice)
Posted by: Bunter | October 24, 2017 at 00:10
@ Bunter
Thank you for your help and introducing me such a useful tool! I usually just google the words or sentences to see if I expressed naturally.
Posted by: Zoey | October 24, 2017 at 04:26
İ am wondering that whether the following templates are true or not
1) '' received the proportion of 35% (of people)''
2) '' with the percentage of 35 %(of people)''
Thank you million times in advance :)
Posted by: berrak | October 24, 2017 at 14:25
Click on the underlined blue phrases at the bottom of the graph
Posted by: Kati | October 24, 2017 at 17:45
The bar chart compares fifteen different countries in Europe in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of waste products.
It is clear that there were three main ways of waste disposal namely burying in landfill, recycling or composting, and incineration. Among them, using landfills is the most practiced method in eight out of the fifteen countries.
With 90% of waste buried underground, Greece was the top country using this method, followed by Ireland and the UK, with 84% and 80% respectively. Italy, Portugal and Spain were next in the list, with more than 70% of waste dumped in the ground. These countries also saw the lowest rate of using other waste management methods. Particularly, incineration was not used in Greece and Ireland while the proportion of waste recycled or composted in each of those two nations was less than 15%.
By contrast, Denmark and Luxembourg were the two countries with the highest rates of garbage incineration, 58% and 56% respectively. Also, less than 10% of Denmark's trash ended up in landfills, making it the country with the lowest rate of landfill. Austria can be seen as the "greenest" country with almost 70% of waste recycled or composted, followed by Belgium and Netherlands, with about 50% for each country.
Posted by: Khuyen | October 25, 2017 at 11:44
@ KAti
Thank you very much :)) it seems not common but still can be used :)
Posted by: berrak | October 25, 2017 at 17:46
"In particular, ... " is often used as a linking adverb, whereas "Particularly,.." is rarely used like this.
Posted by: Kali | October 25, 2017 at 20:41
@ Kübra
One solution is to talk about groups of results: see how some of the other submissions have handled this. I would suggest that, when using "respectively", there should only be two or three items in the list.
Posted by: Kali | October 25, 2017 at 20:45
The chart illustrates percentages of recycling, and more environmentally hazardous forms of waste disposal, in fifteen countries of Europe.
It is observable that landfilling is by far the most common way to dispose waste as it is used by every country on the chart. Additionally, countries such as Germany, Spain, Sweden and Austria choose using other forms of waste management beside the forms given on the bar chart.
Slightly less than 70% of domestic residual of Austria is recycled which makes Austrians the most environmentally friendly nation. In contrast, majority of waste produced by inhabitants of Greece and Ireland are buried in the ground by leaving only under 20 % of their garbage for recycling. Furthermore, figures for Germany and Netherlands are significantly higher in the favour of recycling/composing, with around 40% and 45% respectively.
Incineration is the second most common way by the means of less environment friendly technique of waste disposal. Approximately, 60% of both Denmark’s and Luxembourg’s waste management depends on burning household residual. Moreover, 1-15 % of four countries’ (Germany, Spain, Sweden, Austria) waste is diminished by using other techniques of waste disposal.
Posted by: Derya | October 26, 2017 at 13:27
"domestic residual" "household residual"?
the majority of waste*+majority+of%2Cthe+majority+of+waste%2C+the+vast+majority+of+%2C+the+overwhelming+majority+of+&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t2%3B%2C%2A%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%2Cs0%3B%3Bthe%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Ba%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bgreat%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3BThe%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bvast%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Blarge%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Boverwhelming%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3BA%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bimmense%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Babsolute%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Cthe%20majority%20of%20waste%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Cthe%20vast%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Cthe%20overwhelming%20majority%20of%3B%2Cc0
"...are buried in the ground
by, leaving...""only under" -> less than
Incineration is the second most common
way by the means of, but less environmentally friendly , technique of waste disposal."diminished" -> processed
Posted by: Kati | October 27, 2017 at 00:27
The bar chart illustrates different methods of waste disposal ranging from incarcination to landfills and recycling in various eu countries.
First thing that meets the eye is the amount of waste buried by countries like Greece and Ireland 90% and 85% Respectively of their waste in contrast to other countries like Denmark that buries less than 10% of it’s waste.
on the other hand countries like Austria, Belgium and germany have a strategy towards echo friendly methods of waste disposal such as recycling with percentage of 60% in Austria and 50%,40% in Belgium and germany Respectively but countries like Greece and Italy comes late in that race with percentage less than 10% and 15% Accordingly.
when it comes to Incineration we can notice that Denmark and Luxembourg are using this method widely, with 60% in Denmark and 55% in Luxembourg, in Comparison to uk and Italy that uses incineration in less than 10% of it’s waste.
another thing that deserves attention is that spain, Germany, Austria and Sweden are the only countries that uses all 4 methods that are shown.
Posted by: mohamed shouib | October 31, 2017 at 20:43