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November 25, 2017


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Hello Simon,

According to official IELTS guidelines:

Band 6 is about 23 out of 40
Band 7 is about 30
Band 8 is about 35

How about 6.5 in Listening and reading?
How many questions needed to be answered to get 6.5 in Listening and Reading?

Hello Simon,
I had a query regarding examples in task 2. Is it possible to get band 7 if I dont include examples in my essay at all??

@Sehrish Taufeeq

The instructions usually contain something like:
"You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience."

And the marking criteria for band 7 include:
"presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalize and/or supporting ideas may lack focus"

hello simon ..i gave general ielts exam and got overall 7 band but i got 5.5 band only in writing plz suggest me idea to gain 7 band in writing ..now i m appearing for 16 dec exam and i need your immediate helpπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»



It might be a good idea to work through the writing material on this site (by clicking on "Writing Task 2" in the left sidebar), if you have not already done so already.






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