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November 18, 2017


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Thanks Sir!
It is really a helpful tip!

IELTS students can add me on skype for Practice speaking.

Skype name: malik.aftab2020

your lessons always been quite helpful for us.

Yes of course , your techniques always useful.

Is it ok to be a liar? I mean that if I say about place or city does not exist, it will be a terrible thing?

but simon short answers are not accepted shall they wait me to think again?

You wrote:

"Perhaps this technique will give you a few extra seconds to think before you give your full answer."

How will it do that? Fluency is one part of the speaking test that is being tested by the examiner which means once you start speaking, you gotta try to keep up the pace with fluency. How on planet earth will you get any extra seconds to think before you give full answer?

Doesn't make any sense.

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