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November 12, 2017


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Many thanks Simon!
This is a great way to be trained for IELTS.

I am grateful of you Simon. You has been such a great help to us here. Thanks a lot. I liked your advice on repetition.This is going to help me to improve my English skills more effectively. I didn't know about the value of repetition.

Thanks sir really I improved my score.it really works

I totally agree with you sir. There is alot that we can achieve through repeating lessons many times.

I love u simon because you keep all your students in a right track ...other teachers sometimes misguide their students.

Thank you, Simon

Thank you, Simon!
A great piece of advice. Only through hard work the high result can be achieved.

Hi simon !
i really like your blog. i am happy to find your blog as i am getting great help in my IELT preparation.i hope i would get ready in short time and get 6+ band score. Once again best of luck to you for what ever you do in life with pure desire.

thank you.

I absolutely agree. I would also add that students should review their corrected essays and study their teacher’s comments. It makes no sense to keep writing new essays if you haven’t learned from the mistakes of your previous ones!

Hi Simon!
I really appreciate your advice about repetition. It helps me a lot to prepare the next exam in a week. Thank you!

Thank you for your advice.

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