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November 13, 2017


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thanks you so much sir (:

I think there maybe a mistake of the last phrase. Shouldn't it be 'it is evident that'?

I think there is a problem with the third phrase. Becaucse the keyword in the question just mentions "moving to live in another country", it does not mention a specific destination like in the passage (Canada). So those two phrases in question and in passage do not have similar meaning.


Here's the full sentence from the Time magazine article:

"While the study was small, it is evidence that exercise may have as large an effect on your health as your genes do."

In this context "it is evidence that" means "the study is proof that...". This is perfectly correct.



It will be clearer if we look at the phrases in context:

Moving to live in a different country made some people happier.

= surveys completed by immigrants who’d moved to Canada..... within a few years of arriving, immigrants who came from unhappy places began to report the increased happiness level of their adoptive home

Dear Mr. Simon,

Is that word evident rather than evidence?


No, "evidence" is the word that the author intended to write. Look at the difference:

It is evident that = It is clear that
It is evidence that = It is proof that

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