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June 23, 2018


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1. By giving some pocket money to a kid for a fixed period of time can help him/her plan and be responsible for his/her choices.
3. My parents usually give me advice about saving a little money for a rainy day.
4. One who know how to manage personal finance wisely can need their material needs as a result.

1. By giving pocket money to a kid for a fixed period of time, it can help them in planning and being responsible for their choices.

2. Personally, everyone should save money, that will help them to achieve their long-term goals.

3. I have always been reminded by my parents to save something for the rainy day.

4. People should manage their finance well so as to get the things they want.

5. It also said that save something for rainy days.

1.By giving some pocket money to a kid, it can
help them with planning and being responsible for their choices.
2. personally, i think everyone should save some money because it will help them to achieve long-term goals.
3. I am always reminded by my parents to save something for rainy days
4. One should manage finance well in order to get the things they want
5. it is also said that saving something for rainy days.

1- Giving some pocket money to a kid for a fixed period of time is a effective way to teach the kid how to use and manage that money by himself properly
2-In my opinion, everyone should set some money aside incase it requires the big amount of money that can not afford in a short time
3- I always have been reminded by my parents to save money for a rainy day
4-one should manage financial expenditure effectively and smartly in order to satisfy his other aspiration
5- it is also said to save money for a rainy day

By giving some pocket money to a kid for a fixed period can help with planning and being responsible for the choices.

Personally, Everyone should save money because it would help them to achieve their long-term goals.

I have always been reminded by my parents to save something for a rainy day.

Everyone should manage financially well to get the things they want.
It also said that saving something is for rainy days.

1. Giving some pocket money to children for a fixed period of time can help them plan how to spend and be responsible for their choices.
2. Personally, I think people should set aside an amount of money to achieve their long-term goals.
3. My parents always remind me of saving money for a rainy day.
(Or) My parents always remind me of saving money in case unexpected events happen.
4. People should master their financial management skill so as to achieve anything they want.
5. It’s also said that we should save something for a rainy day.

1. By giving some pocket money to a kid for a fixed period of time can help planning and be responsible for the choices.
2. Personally, Everyone should deposit money just because it will help them to achieve their long-term goals.
3. I have always reminded my parents to save some money for a rainy day.
4. One should manage financial well so as to get the things they want.
5. It is also said that save something for a rainy day.

Trang Nguyen

"remind" followed by "of" is about bringing to mind something that already happened in the past or still exists.

"remind" followed by "to" plus infinitive is future-oriented, is about something that needs doing or is yet-to-be-done.

"My parents always remind me of saving money for a rainy day" might be construed as "when I look at my parents, I remember how they used to scrimp and save" - looking back into the past.

We need something future-oriented like: every time I see them, they tell me to put money aside for hard times, reminding me to save ...



My understanding of the speaking test is that the first part is relatively informal, and that it would not be untoward to mention that you have two "kids".

However, parts 2 and 3 seem to be slightly more formal; that is, they need the sort of language that one might use in a university tutorial, a job interview, or when talking to immigration, or the police. If I am correct in this, it would seem safer to use "children" and not use "kids" when discussing topics in a more objective fashion.








By giving pocket money to a kid for a fixed period of time, it can help them in planning and being responsible for their choices.
2. Personally, everyone should save money, that will help them to achieve their long-term goals.
3. I have always been reminded by my parents to save something for a rainy day.
4. People should manage their finances well, so as to get the things they want.
5. It also said that, save something for a rainy day.

1.Giving some pocket money to a kid for a fixed period of time can help them make a good plan and to be responsible for the choices.
2.Personally, Everyone should set some money aside just because it will help them to achieve their long-term goals.
3.I have always being reminded by my parents that I should save something for a rainy day.
4.One should manage finance well to get the things they want.
5. It is also said that save something for a rainy day.

Re 2)
"Personally" is used in several ways. In speaking it is used "to emphasize that you are only giving your own opinion about something".


Similar usage in writing demonstrates that it is most often followed by "I think".


Re 1) I was wondering whether "for a fixed period of time" was really intended to mean "regular pocket money" e.g. once a week.

"help with planning": whose planning? The parents' ? Or is the idea "help the child with financial planning/money management."

"being responsible for the choices." Which choices? Whose choices? So presumably either : the choices they make OR their choices/decision making.

-> Giving regular pocket-money to children can encourage them to handle money properly and become more responsible.


First, here are the main problems:

1) "By giving... can..." is wrong.

We need to write either "Giving... can..." or "By giving... we can..."

There are some other small changes that I would make in the second half of the sentence too.

2) "Personally, Everyone should" is wrong.

We need to write something like: "Personally, I believe that everyone should".

3) We need to write "been reminded by" (passive).

Also, "for the rainy day" is wrong.

4) "one should manage financial" is wrong. We need a noun after "manage" instead of an adjective.

Also, I wouldn't use "one" and then "they". These pronouns don't match up.

5) "save something for rainy days" is wrong.

Also, after "it is said that", we need a subject e.g. It is said that WE should...

FROM SIMON (continued)

Here are my suggested versions:

1) By giving children pocket money, we can teach them to plan for the future and take responsibility for their choices.

2) I believe that everyone should set money aside because it will help them to achieve their long-term goals.

3) My parents have always told me to save for a rainy day.

4) We should try to manage our finances so that we get what we want in the future.

5) It is said that we should save for a rainy day (and I think this is good advice).

To giving some money to kid in their pocket a fixed period of time it can help being responsible and with planing for their choices.

Personally, Everyone should set money just aside because it will help them to achieve their long-term goals.

I was always reminded by my parents to save something for the rainy day.

One should manage financial well so as to get the things they want.

One should manage financial well so to get the things what they want. /
If they get things whatever they want, should manage financial status properly firstly.

It is also being said that save something for rainy days.

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