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November 27, 2018


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Hi, Simon

Thank you for sharing the valuable course.
I felt my current problem with part 4 in listening test is that Although I indeed can identify each word in recordings, I sometimes would be not sure which word should be the answer, so I will miss the real answer while hesitating.

Through watching your videos posted there, I felt the answer should be something that has a similar sentence structure with the question.

So, I mean we should seek the same sentence structure when listening to the recordings.

For example, the answer: a picture of something. In the question, the sentence also has the similar structure: a something of something. This logic can apply to the latter question.

1) 4 sections of 40 questions in the listening test
2) gap-fill, multiple choice and matching type questions. Sir, I have done but I am disappointed that my score is not increasing .it might be due to less concentration , less careful to pay attention, think ahead , getting less time to read options as well as questions, not understandings some questions and keeping in the head before the recording starts
3)In the beginning, middle and at the end of the recording
4)read ahead and underline the main ideas
5)all have breaks except section 4
6) I have not practised the spelling but sir where can I get practise of spelling used for all sections?I will see some spelling rule
7) As per your advice, a candidate should practice more on section 1 and 2 .But I also think practice section 3 more and then section 4
8) both listening and reading have paraphrased words in the text and questions.So it is wise to expect paraphrased words or synonyms other than from the stem of questions.I am not going to find the same words in the recording as well as in the passage from the questions.
9 ) If there is a tricky question or it is taking more time to find or identify then it is wise to move forward and then come back later after finishing the easy questions first.

Hi Simon

1.There are 40 questions and 4 sections in the listening test.

2.Gap-fill questions, multiple choice questions and matching questions. Yes I have practised a lot and now I am very comfident about this test.

3.There are 3 main breaks after each section. Before each section starts in the middle of each section(except in section 4)

4.We need to read ahead during the breaks, not to look back and check what we've written.

5.Section 4 has no breaks in the middle.

6.Yes it is rare for me to make mistakes in spelling but sometime it does occur.

7.We need to practise section one a lot untill we are good at it.

8.Both of them consist of 40 questions

9.We should not spend time hesitating that question because we will miss further questions so instead we need to go ahead and check the answers at the end of the test.

1. There are 40 questions and 4 sections in the Listening test of IELTS.

2. Three predominant question types such as MCQs, Diagrams, and Gap-filling that I practise a lot but still getting troubles with those parts.

3. Breaks are seen in all four sections. To add with this, there is also a break in the middle of every section.

4. During breaks, I generally go to the next section and highlight keywords, the form of verbs, question demands.

5. Usually, there is no break in section four, however, I found some tests in which section had a slight break.

6. Yes, I do work on spellings and nowadays I make no mistake when I spell a word.

7. Not really, rather I spend much time practicing section 2 and 3 because I think Sec 1 and 4 are easy.

8. The main uniformities among listening and reading test are MCQs, Gap-fillings, Matching pattern of questions.

9 I try to be more attentive and careful about choosing keywords of this type of question. For example, MCQ.

8) answers are given as it is

I'm new thanks

Hi Simon,
I just watched your videos for IELTS listening. But I still wonder if answers like usa, british would be correct. Is it true that either upper case or lower case can be written? Thank you.

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