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January 01, 2019


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Happy New Year, Simon :-)

thank you! i really needed this.

Hi Simon;
They're including:
1. If you're willing to take some risks
2. You're willing to really go out and show appreciation.
3. You're willing to look at ideas even if they're crazy through the lens of possibilities.
--> You can build a bigger and bigger sail to catch the winds of luck.

I feel a bit nostalgic and really interesting watching this video, of course I took some times to watch to catch the understanding of the video.
With Ielts, I have no idea with regard to Ielts preparation, can you share your ideas to me and everyone?
Thanks for all that you have done to help me.
Happy New Year!

Happy new year 2019 sir!

the given three strategies of good luck are like..

1. We need to take some risks and get out of our comfort zone.

2. We really need to show our appreciation.

3. We have to change our relationship with ideas.

I hope I will able to change my luck that belongs to the writing tasks, from worst to best. This is one of my new year resolutions. Thanks

The biggest risk is not taking any risk.

Yes, this video is useful for preparing particularly for listening section and speaking too.

Three tips on increasing our luck
1. take some risk and go out of your comfort zone.
2. show appreciation.
3. look at the possibility.

This is indeed a great video that makes me think about my career direction and the difficulty I am facing now, especially about how to adjust my attitude in an attempt to look at the possibility. When it comes to the preparation for IELTS, the inspiration I get is to leave our own comfort zone. For example, English reading, for me, is a way to unwind. However, reading is always passive. Even though I have read a lot, I still cannot use the words and phrases flexibly and accurately. Regular practices in speaking and writing are necessary but make me feel bored and uncomfortable. So I reckon leaving this comfort zone may increase my luck.

Here are Tina's tips to increase your luck.
1. Get out of the comfort zone and take some risk.
2. Showing appreciation.
3. Look at the idea and its posibility.
In Ielts preparation, maybe I should get out of classes, go to some clubs and grab some international friends. For no.3 I remember that in writting test, simon told us to jot down all the ideas that come up, and then look through it again. No.2 is that when you say thanks to the examiner for listening in the speaking test. I also thanks simon for his lessions , i am taking the test this year and i am really looking forward to it. Happy new year!

Hello there!
I need some help please I am desperate for your advice.
Although I passed my first exam last December, I am registering for the new one on 2 of March. My score is 6.5: listening-8, reading 6, speaking 6 and writing 6. But i need 7.5 each section above than 7.
Should I register for the new one or i won't likely achieve my aimed score. Thank you in advance!

P.S. my exam will be on 2 of March which means it is after about 2.5 months.

Hello there!
I need some help please I am desperate for your advice.
Although I passed my first exam last December, I am registering for the new one on 2 of March. My score is 6.5: listening-8, reading 6, speaking 6 and writing 6. But i need 7.5 each section above than 7.
Should I register for the new one or i won't likely achieve my aimed score. Thank you in advance!

P.S. my exam will be on 2 of March which means it is after about 2.5 months.



Notice the question about how long it would take to improve the score by one band.

Many years ago I think British Council used to suggest about six months to raise by half a band. The truth, as they now indicate, is much more complex.

Students with West European languages have massive cross-over vocabulary with something like two thirds of normal vocabulary sharing the same roots, particularly the more advanced academic words. This means they will progress in terms of vocabulary much quicker than the rest of the world: something like five times as fast in my experience.

In your case, progress will be much slower, as you will need to learn many new words in order to get your reading level up to Band 7.5.

My advice would be NOT to register until you can regularly achieve 7.5 in both reading and listening practice tests. Otherwise you will not achieve your goals.

Here are some French words:
station, organisation, promotion: not hard to guess?

Very insightful and educative!
Luck is about taking risk and stretching out of our comfort zone!

I did learn a lot from this Ted talk with Tina! Thanks for sharing your wealth of experience from how to relate and show appreciation to people around us as they may be the one to unleash the luck to be successful in our chosen career.

thank you for all your help

you are like an angle man ... thnx

I don't really understand the connection between this video and IELTS preparation.

To catching the winds of luck we should:

1. change our relationship with ourselves and Take a small risk to get us out of our comfort zone
2. Change our relationship with others and show more appreciation to people who's done something for us
3. look at to different ideas, no matter good or bad, and create a new one.

Ideally, if I wanted to take a risk to help me getting my desired band score in IELTS, I would quit my job right now, at least for 2 months, and spend all my time focusing on my exam, but in reality that's a wishful thinking.
As I'm not able to leave my job, so I can do something else and instead of studying at home in a very quiet environment, which always is my comfort zone for studying, I'll go out to a busy café, order a caramel latte and study in there or even I'll start a conversation about one of IELTS topics with a stranger sitting next to me, which's been almost impossible so far.
If I got a chance to thank someone, definitely, I would choose the person who made IELTS exam up to give me a feeling like traveling to another planet is much easier than getting a good band score in IELTS.
It seems a crazy idea, but personally, I think it would be a great idea if we had this chance to googol the writing task 2 topic before we started as it gives us more opinions, information or even some statistics facts about that particular topic because my biggest problem is that my imagination never works.

Fingers crossed everybody and wish me luck please.

Thanks for video

She mentions three tips to increase your chance or luck. Those are
1, Move out of your comfort zone and take any small risks
2, Show some appreciation
3, Change your relationship with others
Off course we can apply to ourselves to improve our IELTS score, as they are basic skills of communication.

1- change relation with yourself ( take a risk)
2- change relation with people ( appreciation)
3- need to show ideas ( bad- good) ( look at ideas)

So actually there is no random luck, but the opportunities that you catch on every moment, isn't it?

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