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February 26, 2019


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Will be practicing with this strategy from now onwards.

Any human being is capable in learning any of world languages as a native one by equal ease

To summarise, If someone wants to be a real polyglot or have the eagerness to learn several languages, he or she has to enjoy the processes of learning with appropriate methods and follow a unique system of learning he/she likes apart from typical ones, in fact, without patience learning wouldn't be precise.

Thank you Simon. Today I received my results

Speaking 8.5
Listening 8.5
Reading 8.5
Writing 6.5
It was my third time and I don't know why I got 6.5 in writing. My first try: W:7 Second Try: W:7.5

Congratulations Dear, Syd

it's huge.

Thanks! I'm sad because of my writing.
But, I got 8 and all the credit goes to Simon! He's an angel...

Band 8 doesn't mean that I will stop following his blog! I'm still his humble student....

Thank you Simon.

Dear, Syd

Could you please give me some links of your writing task's samples that you have already posted on this blog. May those would be very useful for me. Thanks.

Dear Akter,
I haven't posted any writings, as this is not my blog and I'm not a professional instructor. I just follow Simon's posts. There's no magic. Practice practice and focus!
Don't count on someone like me when we have Simon!

I wonder this set of basic rules will not apply efficiently as mentioned if someone seeks to take an official test like IELTS in short time. However,I find the system as a step stone for someone who striving to achieve desirable marks in IELTS.

what she said to become a polyglot are divided into 2 parts:
In short term,we should start learning a new language by finding our own personal enjoyments,like using new words to speak with native speakers right away,chatting with native speakers via apps.
In long term,we should learn based on 3 elements:find some unique methods,build up daily learning system,be patient in the learning process.

according to speaker's advice;
She said first that if you want to learn a new language, you should find a way to have fun it. Enjoy
You should also find a way how to learn a language with your way - Method
another way to follow is system. it means creating a system about learning a new language make s you more confident.
the most significant problem is patience. People who attemt to learn a language is impatient. they want to get reaction what they're processing immediately. So Patience is the key factor on this way.

According to speaker's advice;
She said first thing that if you want to learn a new language, you should find a way to have fun it. Enjoy !
You should also find a method how to learn a language with your way - Method !
another way to follow is system. it means creating a system about learning a new language makes you more confident. System !
the most significant problem on this topic is patience. People who attempt to learn new language are impatient. they want to get reaction immediately what they're processing on. So Patience is the key factor on this it . Patience !

HI simon,
I have a doubt regarding a question in Cambridge ielts 9, listening test 3,question no 29,30.
29.read all notes--3 times/ three times
30.25 morning or 25 January

Thanks in advance

The short video shows that the secret to learn language well is to enjoy it. Interest is the best teacher.
What’s more, find a effective method and make it a habit (this is the system in my opinion), are also import.
Finally, it’s impossible to learn it well immediately, so you must be patient.

I completely agree with her opinion, although in this period I need to do more test to get a good score. I will try the method to learn some languages.
I don’t know whether I could be a polyglot, but I want to try be this kind of person.

thank you for sharing this video.


Congratulations on your overall band 8. It might be a good idea to try getting your writing re-marked.

Hi simon,

Thanks for sharing the video. I tried learning a new language but I relented because it was not easy. I would try the tips in the video and start learning again.

Thank you.

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