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February 15, 2019


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This is a opinion type question which is also important for writing task 2.
Yes, it is very important to preserve the old building.There are several reasons.
1. Old building shows the heritage of the nation and past history which directly connects to the culture and identity of the nation.It increases the nation's pride.
2.The material used also signifies the trade and types which remembers the era of that period.
3.From economic point of view,they are less expensive to maintain.
4.They are great source of revenue generation because they attract tourist.

Dear Simon,

(listening test, 14th February)
There was a question about the date.
Instruction: no more than 2 words and/or a number.

what I did write on my answer sheet: 16th October

but the speaker did mention YEAR as well. You have previously talked about this, but some students say that 16 october 1983 was the correct answer.
In my opinion, it should be 16 October or sixteen October 1983.

Will I get mark?

Hello Simon

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Hi Pachu

I want to give answer to your question. Read the instruction one more time there it's written 2words and a(1) number (not numbers). 16th October is correct one for this instruction

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