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March 08, 2019


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Most of the time, last impression can be effective. That's why i agree with you. :)
Thank you so much for this informative site.

Sir, actually ideas and vocabulary are repeated a lot in speaking part 3 . answers are moving around the questions.So, how to improve it?

A great, fresh way to look at the Speaking test. I guess these bits of wisdom come through hours and hours of experience. Thanks Mr Simon!

To be honest, you don't know very much abour we Chinese. Most of us are devoted to all parts of the exam, using our "prehistoric powers", so, next time you want to promote your advice, please take culture differences into account.

Hey Chinese Candidate,
If your pre-historic culture is so great, why do you want to leave it for whatever purpose? IELTS is taken by those who want to study/work in English speaking countries.

This advice wasn't directed at a particular nationality, but I like the phrase "prehistoric powers" so thanks for that!

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