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May 14, 2019


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My exam is on the 23rd of this month. I have some specific problems regarding Speaking and Reading

1. At peresent, I can speak fluently compared to last year when I have written my examination on August 18. I worked hard. However, I still have some problem with singular and plural, as well as articles.

2. In reading, I face difficulty basically for matching information/Paragraph contains information. For the solution, my friend advised me that Skim carefully entire passage.

3. Writing, I have had as many as 50 hard copies including task 1 and task 2. Every day I write to them exactly the same way Simon did. I believe it's very helpful.

4. I speak a lot, watch movies, read subtitles, I mean I mimic the conversations. Very helpful since I do not have a native speaker.

5. Are there any more suggestions you have to provide for me? please, I would be very grateful to you.

Thank you sir, very usefull and helpfull.

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