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August 25, 2019


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ı think we need a reason for learning english so if our reason is very important for us, we will learn fastly, ı think absolutely the most important thing is finding reason for learning english thanks your ideas


I just got a question about the use of "what do you make of (something)".

It'scommon for people to say what do you make of this question or this man or this situation or etc.

but is it grammatically right to put a clause following this phrase, like what do you make of when I say you are so native? or what do you make of if the answer is what you anticipate.


"What do you make of it (all)?" is fine.



The above seem to be the standard usages.

"What do you make of it when ..." crops up very rarely in books:



Thank you very much for sharing your ideas, Simon!
I learn a lot from your blog. Every time I come here I find a new thing to study. And, I often note your teaching about reading because I am trying my best to practise reading skills.
Good health to you, Simon!


Absolutely, I agree that having a reason for learning English is vital - "start with why".

However, that's your motivation, not your environment. You still need to create the best possible environment.

If you're interested in listening to a discussion about these things, here's a link to a podcast episode that I found:


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