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August 28, 2019


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Excellent 🙏🏻

Hi Simon

(maybe it's a stupid idea but) i think once in a while you should take an essay (band 6 or 7) and improve it over the next few weeks until it becomes band 9, and walk us through this whole process.

i think 'detailed analysis of a band 6 or 7 essay, with comments explaining why the essay DOES NOT score band 9' is just as helpful and revealing as 'detailed analysis of a band 9
essay, with comments explaining why the essay DOES score band 9'.

Anyway, i think the topic vocabulary above would get band 11!


It’s a very good idea. I’ve been thinking about how best to present something like that. I’ll be announcing some new ideas in September, so keep following the lessons!

That's great!


One characteristic of Band 9 essays is that the phrases used can be found on Google books:



Good point colette!

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