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August 07, 2019


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Yes sir, also sir with the way you introduce we can write 13 sentences or 14 sentences in the hole essay. Thank you sir.

Hello Simon,

I have been away too, I trust you had a restful and refreshing holidays; quite deserving. Thanks for the good work you're doing for us.

Best wishes.

Thank you so much sir for bringing this important information to make aware.This is the point we are not paying attention before writing paragraphs. We just jot down what comes in our mind and start to write in sentences. While brainstorming ideas , some points are the most relevant and some are the less relevant .So, when we sorting the points , we should mark them which are of same category and if there is different then we should mark with different number.Apart from this, numbering the ideas can be used in speaking part 2 from most important to least important as well as writing task 1 for points of comparison and points of similarities.Numbering the ideas is important skill in writing task 2 as sometimes we have to sort out the points on the basis of first education then social and economy , depending upon the task requirement.

So, when we sorting the points , we should mark them which are of same category and if there is different then we should mark with different number.Apart from this, numbering the ideas can be used in speaking part 2 from most important to least important as well as writing task 1 for points of comparison and points of similarities.Numbering the ideas is important skill in writing task 2 as sometimes we have to sort out the points on the basis of first education then social and economy , depending upon th

Hi Simon,

Great post! I'd like to ask if I use Firstly, Secondly, and Finally structure, will I score down in the exam as my second and third ideas are not fully developed? Please clarify this as there are many myths around this concept, and even I heard some IELTS ex-examiners saying that you just need one central idea per body paragraph and not many, even for advantages and disadvantages, and problems and solutions essays.

I'd highly appreciate if you can provide clarity on this notion.


Dear Simon,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for this very helpful lecture that you shared with us free of charge.


The criteria for Band 7 include:
1) "presents a clear central topic within each paragraph", and
2) "logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression


Simon has answered your question here:



"To obtain a 7 or more in CC, each paragraph must have a 'clear central topic'. While native level writers can communicate a central topic well without a topic sentence, I strongly advise everyone at the 5 to 8 level to use simple, clear and short topic sentences. This directly communicates the topic to the examiner, and also reminds the candidate to focus on the topic." per sjm see comment:


Thanks Oleg! I'm aware about these responses but the issue is related to the development of each idea. I heard some examiners from IDP suggesting one idea per body paragraph and developing it.


If there is a 'clear central topic', a mini-thesis on that topic, and several different ideas in support of that mini-thesis, then we have cohesion.

On the other hand, if we have three different ideas in the one paragraph without any logical progression, then there is less cohesion.

One good approach would be to use a short topic sentence, a statement on what you are trying to prove or demonstrate, and follow this up with reasons, explanation and examples.

Simon has used other approaches from time to time, so there is no 'one best way'.

Your friend is thinking about learning to drive and would like some advice. Write a letter to your friend.

- Say why a driving license is advantageous
- Recommend a driving school
- Give extra guidance/ tips

Dear Sam,
I hope you’re doing well. I’m glad to hear that you’ve finally decided to learn driving, and I’m just writing to tell you the do’s and don’ts of driving a car.

First, you need to consider getting a driving license as it is illegal in our country to drive any automobile without a valid permit. If a traffic police catch you driving without the licence, you’ll have to pay a large sum as a penalty or face prison sentence in case of fatal accident. So, it’s the first and mandatory requirement.

What’s more, I’d like to suggest you to join the Star Driving Academy, which is just a walking distance away from your home. I learnt driving from this school about two years ago, and my experience was satisfactory. They will allow you to choose the car that you want to learn and to drive on the busiest street of our city, which is really helpful.

The last piece of advice I’d like to give is you need to be more confident and focused while driving. I know that you usually get a bit nervous when you see lots of large vehicles like trucks and buses on road, so you’ll need to practice keeping calm in such situations as you’ll have to drive on highways as well.

All the best for your training.


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