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September 24, 2019


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Thanks Simon
Very helpful .Could you please tell me those sentences in the right column ''similar words in the recording'' what are they called . Are they paraphrases or colloquial ? These kind of sentences used in the listening test are very dangerous because very hard to interpret to exact meaning . They are in disguise of many meanings . Honestly speaking native English speakers - they are familiar with these kind of ''commonsense test but deep thought '' however, for IELTS takers those sentences are like quicksands I think.

sorry in the disguise of


All these phrases appear in books:




I have just been doing these listening yesterday!
Then i cannot understand "dip"'s meaning
Now i know.thank you!

This is the first time I know that the phrase have a dip means go for a swim.
Similarly I just learn that "very dark = pitch dark"

Thank you Simon

simon, help me. i cant even register through cambridgelms.org/main because the website seems to be under construction since last week. i want to access downloadable audio for speaking test from activation code provided in this this cambridge book.thank you

Thanks Zsofi for the links .It was very helpful.
Could you please tell me from where I could learn more paraphrases.

Big Thanks again

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