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September 11, 2019


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Dear Sir, your task 2 ideas booklet need to keep abreast of latest questions such as those relating to social media.Thanks a lot.

Dear Simon,

my question is a bit off topic, I hope you won't mind. I followed your instructions on writing, and used the technique that suggests to spend 10 min on planning, 5 min on introduction, 10 on each paragraph, 5 on conclusion. It is actually a great advise as 10 min spent on planning are very useful and I would never think of it myself. However, I lack the time to go through my essay one more time, to "check" for obvious mistakes. Don't you think it is necessary?



The topics in the ebook are still the most common (family, education, work, environment etc.).

I use the blog lessons here to address new and less common topics.



Try to get your conclusion done in less than 5 minutes (it's only one sentence). This should give you the checking time that you need.

I hope this helps!

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