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September 14, 2019


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i already like your blog lessons and your style of teaching ,so i follow your lesson everyday but not affording the member site unfortunately.i hope i could.

Dear sir, when once the members paying site there, still can we learn from old content already here? Please answer sir. Thank you very very much for all your help pass our test.

Dear Simon,

I'm a fan of your blog for a long time, I'm impressed because of your generosity, unconditional support from your blog. Over the years I felt that you are unique in terms of integrity, and your blog contents are also genuine. I like the fact that you are a former IELTS examiner as well as native English speaker.

I created books (for myself only) on individual module (Reading, Writing taks 1, 2, speking part 1, 2,3)copying them from your blog, and I followed them accordingly. I'm a lifetime member of your video course since my begining of IELTS. You will happy to know that there was an incredible improvement in my individual band scores because it change my way of thinking - I transformed myself into "vocabulary mindset" and it worked.

Now I'm in Australia at a reputed university in Melburne, serving as an an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry. I will never be able repay what you did for myself, but still I'm a follower of your blog and I'll be always, and the that is why today I subscribed for lifetime membership. It was irrestible for me to join eventhough it is not essential for me anymore. I believe that all of your blog followers should try their best to uphold your effort -unconditionally. Being a teacher this is my earnest request to allof your followes. Your subscription will ultimately payoff - be patience and persistent.


Thanks for all of your kind and positive comments. I'm really pleased that I converted you to the "vocabulary mindset", and I'm happy to have played a part in your progress!

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