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October 08, 2019


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For the questions I'll underline -
21. introduce, presentation
22. surprising, tooth

21. Presentation
A. drawing
B. timeline
C. video clip
22. Tooth
A. embedded, jawbone
B. unknown species
C. not as old as

21. presentation
A. drawing
B. timeline
C. video clip
22. tooth
A. embedded,jawbone
B. unknown species
C. old

21– introduce, presentation
A. drawing, natural habitat
B. timeline showing when lived
C. video clip

22 – surprising, tooth
A. embedded, jawbone
B. unknown species
C. not as old as, remains, elsewhere

1. Introduce ;Presentation
A. Drawing ;Woolly mammoths ;Natural habitat
B. When lived
C. Video clip

2. Surprising; Tooth;Russell Graham
A. Still embedded
B. Unknown species
C. Not as old as

21. how

Question to Simon: Do we have add the preposition in listening such as an. or plural in a bracket(s) or article such as a cleaner, a Doctor.will we lose mark if not adding such things.


If you look at the answers here:


you will see that in some cases options are given.

21 introduce
A drawing
B timeline
C video clip

22 mammoth tooth
A embedded
B species
C elsewhere

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