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October 02, 2019


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If you want to argue for the opposite opinion, I'm sure that you can still use Simon's method by changing a few words:

'It is true that genetic engineering is a key area of modern scientific research, with broad implications for all human societies. While I accept that this field of technology may have its benefits, I believe that the drawbacks of genetic engineering outweigh the advantages'.

Hello Simon,
Thank you for the chosen topic and your introduction as well.
I write a balanced introduction using your introduction of ’Artificial Intelligence‘ essay. I‘m wondering if you can tell me whether it is ethnically accepted to use someone’s written passage for my IELTS essay after I made some simple changes such as what comes as follows?

“People seem to be either excited or worried about the future impact of genetic modification. Personally I can understand the two opposing Points of view; I am both fascinated by developments in genetic manipulation and apprehensive about its possible negative effects.”

P.S. I know that using other people’s resources in academic field without citation and referencing properly is plagiarism and you will be punished for an academical misconduct.

Matt, remember to include your opinion in the introduction. The question asks for your opinion, so don't leave it until the conclusion to make your own view clear.

This blog from Simon is one of several blogs in which he explains this to students: https://ielts-simon.com/ielts-help-and-english-pr/2012/11/ielts-writing-task-2-introduction-technique.html


An IELTS essay is written under test conditions with no access to research, and therefore you should not be referencing outside resources.

IELTS is an English test. The purpose of the essay is to see your English so we can evaluate it. Quoting passages from other people that you have memorised does NOT help the examiner evaluate your English.


Thank you for your reminder.
As I mentioned, I wrote my introduction based on "Artificial Intelligence" essay that Simon released it last December. Both questions are similar (discuss both views and give your own opinion). You can find full essay at the following address:


Hope this helps!

Nowadays, a vital scientific development called genetic engineering is a hot topic of discussion in all societies. People have different views regarding the merits and demerits of it in their mind. While I accept this field of engineering may have some negative effects, I believe that the advantages of it outweigh the drawbacks.

Hi Simon,

Thank you for your all your help.
I have a question, about paraphrasing.
My teacher asks me to avoid adding "extra information" when I write the topic sentence in introduction. Does adding extra information while paraphrasing lower our score ?

Thank you.

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your helpful reply and reminding me that Simon wrote that introduction! I will now remember that it is OK if I write that there are good arguments for both views, without saying which opinion I agree with.

By the way, sjm gave some very good advice for all students when he answered your question about memorising, didn't he? You probably know this blog of Simon's, which sjm also has some comments on:

Hi Simon,
How different between "on earth" and " on the earth"


1) The phrase "on earth" is often used just for emphasis after What/Who/Why/How/Where. Eg "Where on earth did you get that money from?".
This is a set phrase with no article.

2) "On earth" is about six times more common than "on the earth". "Earth" has about a dozen different meanings. See:

Note that if the context refers to other planets then "earth" is often capitalized to "Earth".

Thus "Life on Earth" would refer to life on this planet as opposed to life on Mars: whereas "Life on the earth" might refer to life on land as opposed to marine life, or life in the air, or life in the trees.

There are also set traditional phrases to consider: for example "thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven".

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